
Commit your day into God’s hands

“How was your day?” Afi’s mum asked her for the fifth time that day, yet she still would not answer. She looked very depressed and was not ready to talk to anyone. The next morning, Afi woke up late and rushed through everything, and was ready to run off as usual but something unusual happened. Her mother stopped her; she couldn’t take it anymore. The job was draining her only daughter and she could tell from even the look in her eyes.

“Mum, I’m late!” she said loudly. Her mother asked if she had prayed that morning. And the answer was a no. “Why do I need to pray? If God really loves me, why wouldn’t he give me a better job?” she was becoming emotional again. “Sweetheart, do you think God doesn’t know that you need a better job? Maybe he is using this one to draw your attention to something. Can you trust him? Sit down, my dear. Do you know that God put you in that company for a reason?” Now, that got Afi thinking really hard about her life and she burst into tears.

She realized how she had slowly drifted into the let-God-please-me-zone, instead of seeking to please God. Here she was, chasing after money every day and forgetting what really matters most- her relationship with God. She knew things were not going well because she had taken God out. She no longer asked God for his opinion in any situation.

How to give God your day.

Afi didn’t have to go through stress every day because God has more than enough grace for every day. She just never asked. It was available for her; ready for her taking. The Bible says that God daily loads us with benefits. Just commit your day into his hands and see his grace at work for each day.

First off, don’t miss your devotion time. Tell God about your day and tell him to take over, direct you and lead you on the right path. God will make everything work together for your good as he has said in his word (Romans 8:28). He will lead you to the right people and places at the right time. In addition to this, speak God’s word into your day and put it in order before you step out. Do this after giving thanks and see what a difference it will make.

From now on, instead of being grumpy about how much you suffer at work and how nasty your boss is, commit your day to God’s Hands and see him arrange everything to work out for your good! You may have lots of problems or piled-up work that doesn’t seem to end anytime soon. Just commit it all into God’s hands. Cast your cares upon him. 

You may be having trouble with your spouse or children. Maybe your job is the type that belittles you. It could be anything from anger issues to all kinds of temptation but you’ve got to trust the Lord, to know he’s got it and will perfect that which he has started. Maybe there are some souls who need to be saved at your workplace. Maybe God wants to teach you how to love or trust him more.

Proverbs 3:5&6 says Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

So you see, beloved, Give it all to him. Tell him about it all, because he cares!

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