Have you ever been in shock? I mean literal shock where your world ceases for a period. Like a day or two or forever and you feel your heart palpitating strongly and your whole body goes numb all the while and your brain seems to cease work for the period and EVERYTHING HAS JUST STOPPED. Cos you cannot understand what has just happened and it’s too much for your feeble mind to comprehend. Yes! That is exactly how God’s goodness can shock you and you will not know how to handle it. GOD IS GOOD!
Are you in so deep that you are feeling suffocated with no energy to keep fighting? Do you feel yourself slipping and almost falling over thinking that God has forgotten you? Do you find yourself envying the wicked? Those godless people who are puffed up with pride and lawlessness but yet seem to not have troubles like other people or difficulties that hit everyone?
Are you angry because you see the godless people with plenty and you want the things that they have or even feel entitled to have them?
Do you think that they have it so well and perfect that their bodies are fat and healthy and will not even feel any pain when they die?
So what if they wear their pride like a necklace and their bad deeds like clothes? So what if their eyes look at fat faces and their hearts are full of pride? So what if they laugh at people and say bad things about them and talk about oppressing people? So what if they say the skies belong to them and their tongues demand the earth?
So now you want to turn to them? Do you want to drink everything from them? And you ask, “How can God know?” and you give them an opportunity to ask, “Does the most high see everything?” They make you believe that they have no trouble and plenty of money. And now you think; “I am sure that I have made my heart clean for nothing, for no good purpose! Also, I have washed my hands to show that I had done nothing wrong – and all that for no reason”.
Yes, it is true: You have had trouble for so long and now it has started to hurt every single moment. You only see an endless array of issues springing forth in every microsecond of your already problem-crammed life. But, the moment you agree with the godless, that very moment you give in to the devil’s wiles will be the moment you plunge your children and generations after them into bondage.
Are you born again? Do you have the life of God at work in you? Is the Spirit of God, that precious Holy Spirit living inside of? Then I tell you, your morning is coming, your dawn is breaking. Just hold on fast to the salvation you have received in Christ Jesus.
God has not forgotten you. He cannot forget you.
This season you are in is for your build-up. It’s all working together for your good. Put on the whole armor of God and fight back. Refuse to let the devil win. Fight back. Use your sword. Use the word. Fight back. Take your victory in Christ. Appropriate it for yourself. Reign and rule because you are a victor.
Get up! Dust yourself. Go into the house of the Lord. Praise him, fellowship with your brethren. Shout praises to God. And you will begin to understand that truly God is good to his children; to the people, he has made clean through the blood of his son our Saviour Jesus Christ.
We have every kind of trouble and pain but those things do not beat us. Sometimes we do not understand what to do but we never stop believing in God. We have many enemies but we are never completely alone. People hurt us badly but they never destroy us. Why?
Because we have this very valuable gift (Holy Spirit) in us and it is clear that although we are weak as clay, the power we wield is from God and not from ourselves – 2 Cor 4:7-9 (Easy English). Selah!
*Based on Psalm 73