

have different values for getting there. The most popular idea is that one must be a ‘good’ person. The person must do good deeds such as being kind, helping people, or giving to charity. But truth is, no Good man will go to heaven!

What are you talking about? One may ask. Then what is the essence of doing good? Another may say. The answer…Simple:

Very truly I tell you, no man can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again – John 3:3.

We do not get to go to heaven because we are capable of doing good. No! Because the bible says that even our righteousness is as a filthy rag before him – Isaiah 64:6 and by flesh shall no man prevail – 1 Samuel 2:9. There is only one way of getting to heaven and that is by getting saved through the acceptance of our Lord Jesus as the Saviour – Romans 10:9-10.

Grace is then made readily available for you to live a good life totally depending on Jesus’ righteousness and not your own.

Now let’s examine Cornelius. The Bible says that he was a good man! He and all his family were devout and God-fearing. He gave generously and prayed to God regularly (You see that – He actually prayed to God daily) but he was not saved (Acts 10:1-2). What, What, say that again! Yes, Cornelius, upon all his goodness and prayerful life was not saved (Acts 10:6). Why? He did not have Jesus.

There is only one name under heaven given by which every man should be saved and that is the name Jesus (Acts 4:12).

God saw Cornelius’ good works and knew that he had to send Jesus to him so he doesn’t die without knowing him intimately. God knew that all his good works will just go down the gutter if he didn’t meet Jesus before dying and hence, he sent Peter to announce the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ to him and his entire household. And that was their salvation, they received the Holy Ghost that same day and they were all baptized. They got saved and now I have no doubt that they are in heaven and we shall meet with them someday.

Morality is Absolutely not tantamount to salvation.

The fact that you do not steal, kill anyone, commit adultery, or fornicate will not guarantee you a place in heaven without Jesus. This is because Jesus is the way, truth, and life (John 14:6). You can offer your body to be destroyed for religion, or donate all you have to the poor and will still not make it to heaven if you do not acknowledge Jesus as Lord.

God does not show favoritism. He accepts the one who reveres him and does what is right. And the right thing to do is to believe in Jesus. God has sent his message to you announcing the good news of peace in Jesus Christ who is Lord of all. How God anointed Jesus Christ of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. He was here on earth in flesh and went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil. But he had a greater picture in mind even as he walked here on earth. God saw you even before then and had made provision for you to be saved through Jesus Christ. Jesus died on the cross and was raised again on the third day and now he lives forevermore; so everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name – Acts 10:34-43.

Now, you don’t have to struggle to keep up with the demands of God’s righteousness by the law. But once you acknowledge the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross, the grace to do the right thing ministered every day for your living.

Therefore I say: BELIEVE in the LORD JESUS CHRIST and YOU shall be SAVED, you and your household – Acts 16:31. Hope to see you in heaven someday. Shalom!

August 11, 2022
How to overcome sin
August 11, 2022

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