
How to be blessed through live streaming

It’s always a good thing to be in the house of the Lord. Consistently hearing God’s word builds you up in faith and we know from the Bible that without faith it is impossible to please God. Sometimes, due to work, health-related challenges, family, or distance from the church, some people find it difficult to attend church services on a regular basis even though they have a strong desire to be there physically.

Thanks to technology, Love Economy members can join services via their mobile phones. Live streaming is a provisional solution for members who can’t genuinely make it to church yet genuinely desire to follow faithfully, however, remember that your first priority should be to be present at the meeting but if you can’t be there then Live streaming would be the best option. If you should ever need to join a service via live streaming then here are a few guidelines that you can follow to prepare for a live stream and be blessed.

Check your internet connection

The internet connection is the main factor when it comes to live streaming. Without a strong and stable internet connection, you might experience buffering which can totally disrupt the service for you. Prepare for the live stream by checking the strength of your internet connection in the area that you are streaming from. If you will be on the move, make sure you are well connected at all times. You could use an internet modem with a 3G or 4G connection for a buffer free stream.

You could also reduce the quality of the stream if you have a poor connection for a buffer free stream.

Have good equipment

The quality of the laptop or phone that you will use to stream is also important. Make sure that it is in good shape. Have a phone or laptop that can easily connect to the internet and has good speakers.

Avoid distractions

Treat watching the stream the same way you would if you were present in the church. Be very attentive and avoid all forms of distractions. If you are using your phone, make sure that it is on “Do not disturb” mode so that you are not tempted to check WhatsApp messages or attend to notifications. Also, try and find a secluded place where people can’t just walk in and talk to you during the stream. God’s word must be treated with reverence at all times, even during a live stream.

Have good sound

The sound is the most important element to benefiting from a stream.

For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. Today if ye will hear his voice, Harden, not your heart, as in the provocation, and as in the day of temptation in the wilderness:
Psalms 95:7‭-‬8 KJV

Use a good set of earphones to get immersed in the service.

Follow the service

Actively follow all that is going on in the service. When Pastor says shout Hallelujah, then shout it at the top of your lungs. As you do this you will be blessed and also put yourself in a position to receive what God has for you.

Also, make sure you invite friends who might also benefit from an online service. Talk to the LoveTech department to join in whenever you will be out of town for a while.

August 11, 2022
August 11, 2022
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Love Economy Church